Health is Wealth

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, Healthy Nutrition Has a Positive Role in Human's Life.

Health is Wealth.

A Physical Exercise Is a Good Way of Keeping Your Body Healthy and Active.

Health is Wealth.

You need to maintain a normal body weight to avoid the health problems, over-weight causes several diseases.

Health is Wealth.

Vegetables are the enriched source of essential vitamins to lead the healthy life.

Health is Wealth.

Everybody wants healthy family but not everybody takes the careful measures.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Benefits of Lemon and Water in the Morning

Lemon and Water in the Morning

You should start your day with drinking water and dissolve the lemon into it, which is also recommended by the several known nutrition’s in the United States of America. This water and lemon combination has numerous benefits such as it keeps you hydrated throughout the day, increases your vitamin c efficiency intake and overall digestion system. Moreover, it is also beneficial for the weight loss. Though, it takes day’s people to make a routine and start drinking the lemon water on daily basis in the morning.  

How It Functions
Drinking lemon juice first in the morning improves your digestion system which further leads to you can better digest the food nutrition. Otherwise, bad nutrition will not let your food digest and neither its nutrition, this is why you feel hunger even you are full. This habit leads you eating more and more food which eventually prevents the weight loss.

Lemon water washes the all toxins in your body and also clean the kidney and liver. It is also useful in cleaning your lymphatic system which also improves the overall toxin cleansing system.

Benefits & Significance
A combination of lemon and water is effective for fat burn. Each lemon contains 30.7 mg vitamin c and medical experts recommends that a women must consume at least 75 mg of Vitamin C and 90 mg for men. People who consumes due amount of vitamin c has better digestive system as compared to people who do consume less amount of vitamin c. It also increases the liver’s ability to burn down the fat also good for weight loss this way. It keeps you hydrated and otherwise being dehydrated you will always feel hunger. People always complain of not able to reduce the weight even hours of exercise, the reason is they eat a lot because they never feel full.  

Lemon water is also good for skin because it flushes out the wastage from the blood which was still circulating in your body. It is a good skin tonic which prevents the skin from aging process and keeps the skin always healthy, glower and fresh. Therefore, keeping the habit of drinking lemon juice in the morning will always look you younger.

It is the best combination for the skin because both are good skin and a best remedy for preventing the skin from aging process. It is one of the cheapest medical remedy which cannot let you buy the expensive skin care products in which you need to spend a lot. Water is freely available at home and lemons also cost few pennies, it means good things are always free in the life. Now, it is depended upon you how good you stick with this routine because every remedy needs a time to leave its impact. Those skin care products always have a short-term effect on skin and its chemicals are actually not good for the skin. Water and lemon solution only needs your commitment and how good you stick with the morning routine. 

Symptoms of Anxiety Attack and Mental Disorder

Anxiety and Mental Disorder

Anxiety has become very common now days when life is full of challenges. People can anxious about any financial commitment, job interview or personal family issues. It can lead to mental disorder and people have to take quick corrective action for not compromise on mental health. There are different types of anxiety disorders and each has its own way of treatment and strategies to overcome it. Once, you have gained the knowledge about the type of anxiety you suffer from, you can take the cautionary measures to reduce the symptoms and level of anxiety over the time period.
What is Anxiety Disorders?
This psychological disorder comes from unintentional or intentional mind when you feel threatened about anything which may be an expected life challenge in future. Whenever that think comes into your mind, you feel the mental stress which is not good for mental health. It is not bad on temporary basis, but when it stays in your mind for long time until the problem is resolved, after some point it starts producing the mental disorder, when mental health is badly affected.
Symptoms of Mental Disorder
·         Do you often stay out of your mind even at work or spending time with family?
·         Are you afraid of happening of something bad event in your life?
·         Do you always or most of the time feel panic and also uncertain about the future?
·         Do you do not like meeting with people because it increases your anxiety?
·         Do you feel helpless about the situation you are facing at present time?

Types of Anxiety Disorder
There are six most commonly types of anxiety disorder and its names are such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, phobia, anxiety attacks, generalized anxiety disorder and stress disorder.
General Anxiety Disorder
It is a kind of anxiety when you persistent feel threatening about something bad to happen in future. This persistent generalized psychological disorder sometimes makes you people forget about what they are worried about and it is in their unintentional mind.
Panic Disorder
A Panic disorder is associated with sudden attacks due to something in mind which people are afraid of. This panic attack can be repeated multiple times in a single day and patient overcome by the fear all over his mind.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
This is a kind of mental disorder in which you have unwanted thoughts which is impossible to forget or keep out of the mind. You always take things in your mind such as obsession about whether or not you have turned off the oven in kitchen. This is another kind of psychological disorder.
It makes you mentally sick and affects your mental health as you put too much focus or things which is a little or no threat to you. You start exaggerating them and lost your all confidence.
If you are going through one of above nature problems, you must go to the psychiatrist because cannot spend the normal live with these disorders. In the long run, it is extremely dangerous for your mental health and you can start losing your decision making ability with continuous mental disorder.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Tips for Losing the Belly Fat

Belly Fat

Belly Mass is the common characteristic of any human body, even for people having flat abs. To some extent, It is normal and it does not affect your health. On the other hand, the big body mass around your heart and other organs is not good for you. This kind of body mass is known as “Visceral Fat” and it can be the big health problem in future and people must be taking care of it seriously.
Belly Fat
Little body mass around the organic is normal and it is nothing to be worried about, but too much of this body mass can lead to serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, blood pressure and dementia.
Do not think body mass is not an active part of your body, it creates the mess inside the human body and produces lots of dirty substances. A too much over-weight or body obesity starts storing the fat in body parts where it must not have been stored in terms of health point of view. It happens because they have already regular areas full to store obesity and then it transfers to the organs which is extremely dangerous.
Want to Know About Your Belly Fat?
The MRI is the best solution to determine your “Visceral Fat” and everybody must know about own. There is another cheaper way to do the same. Wrap the measuring tape around your belly button and measure the waist. It must be less than 35 for women and 40 for men in inches. It is health wise safe to have bigger hips or thighs as compared to having bigger waist line.
People Who Are Likely To Have “Visceral Fat”
According to the studies, people who takes care of healthy and low calories diet in their lives but not taking the physical exercise on daily basis, are more likely to have the “Visceral Fat”. It is more associated with the inactive lifestyle where people sits for long hours and hardly move, walk or runs.
Ways of Beating Huge Body Mass
People must be educated about how to prevent or fight against the “Visceral Fat”, discussed in the following.
You have to do at least thirty minutes extreme exercise on daily basis to reduce the “Visceral Fat” in the body. For Instance, you want to run for thirty minutes but it should be enough to make you sweat and breathing out at the end of running. Otherwise, a light exercise is not going to do the miracles and totally useless.
There is no specific diet plan to overcome the issue of “Visceral Fat” and it always needs your commitment to eliminate it. Furthermore, studies suggests that who consumes 10 grams of soluble fiber on daily basis without bring any change in diet, builds less “Visceral Fat” than people who do not consume the soluble fiber.
People who are taking healthy and appropriate hours of sleep are less likely to gain “Visceral Fat”. According to the studies observation, people who takes six to seven hours sleep will gain less “Visceral Fat” as compared to people with five hours sleep. It is not all about sleep but having overall significant impact.
Stress is the source of obesity and you have to deal with it in good manner such as spending relaxing time with friends and family. Go for the hour of meditation and release the stress. Studies are suggesting that life without stress can lead to not complaining of “Visceral Fat”.

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Useful Tips for Look Younger than Actually You are

Anti aging tips

It is one of the depressing fact to face the time when start looking aged on your face. You start remembering your teen age when you were quite young with shiny skin and hairs. This is a natural truth that everyone will be aged and nobody can prevent it, but we can delay our aging through the taking following careful measures. After all, everybody wants look younger than actually he / she is.
Drink More Glass of Water
It is the common health fact that drinking large amount of water will keep your skin healthier and younger in the natural way. Drinking water is effective in extracting the toxic out of your body which are responsible for wear and tear of your skin. Otherwise, carbonated drinks never perform the same function in regard to body toxic so prefer the water over other carbonated drinks to look younger over the long time period.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise is effective in improving the blood circulation all over the body, heart strengthening and lungs. It also releases the life stress and help you relaxing the mind. All of its effectiveness are enough to delay your aging. Stressful people have highly active aging process in their lives because they do not do aerobic exercise. Since, Aerobic exercises increases the blood circulation and during this exercise blood also circulates all over the face which keeps it look younger. Blood Circulation on the face is critically important to have younger face.
Get Healthy Sleep
If you had any sleepless nights in the past, you noticed dark circles under the eyes which does not look good in the mirror. Now, you can imagine the importance of healthy sleep on the regular basis. Otherwise, kid of diseases like insomnia can turn your aging process faster and soon you starts looking older than you are. Therefore, if you want to look younger do not compromise on it, even you have to compromise on watching the favorite television shows at late night.
Deep Meditation
Deep meditation is another natural way of releasing the stress in the lives and its effect is also long lasting. Stress is a source of blood pressure, obesity, damage the immune system of body and overall other things. Deep mediation will not allow the stress to get back in minds for next few days. Therefore, there is nothing better than regular deep meditation. It keeps you spiritually alive and relaxed the mind, this way you can look younger long time.
Quit Smoking and Alcohol
Smoking accelerates your aging process and make you suffer from several diseases. It reduces the lungs working capacity as well as weaken the heart, it does not need to mention here as it has detrimental effect on your looks. Smoking directly contributes into aging the skin, get your teeth yellow and leave the wrinkles around the lips. You have to fight yourself to quit smoking to have realistic wish for looking younger than actually you are, you have to compromise on something to achieve.