Monday, May 30, 2016

Weight Loss is not always Fat Loss

Weight and Fat Loss

Weight loss is not always good thing and it includes some technical aspects which eventually helps you determining whether your efforts were fruitful or not in the gym or kitchen.

Have the six packs while clearing the fat area means you have successfully burnt the fat. But, it does not mean you lost few pounds in a week and this is all for effective weight loss. Because, losing weight does not always mean you are losing the fat of the body. There are different things which are associated with the weight loss which also involves serious health concerns.

Muscle Loss

When you are more working on your controlled diet as compared to the work out at the gym, you may lose the muscle tissue weight because your diet control is also limiting the amount of protein and other essential nutrition intake, muscle will not be rebuild with controlled diet or limited protein will cause muscle loss and not the fat loss. A muscle loss means a person will be able to work for less working hours. A person with losing muscle also loses the stamina and potential for work hard, its continuity can further lead to the serious health issues which are not easily irreversible.

Muscle has significant impact over basal metabolic rate which means the rate at which your body mass is burnt all the time. When your muscles are not rebuild and they are less, it will lead to low Basal metabolic rate and your ability of burning down the calories will also be less.
Muscle tissue also has a role of regulating the insulin which means regulating the ability of body to absorb the nutrients. If poor diet causes the muscle lose, the nutrition you will have are more likely to producing the fat cells and low amount of muscle cells will be built.

Water Loss

It is one of the quickest way of losing the weight through cutting down the carb in the diet. Carbohydrates contains the three times more water of other nutritious in the body. When reduce the intake of carbs, body does not retain the water and loses the body weight. This is good for only temporary purposes, you cannot consider as an achievement in weight loss process. Even, it is neither good for the health point of view, where you can have frequent complains of dehydration. It is essential a certain volume of water retained in the body and carbohydrates food perform the same function.

Fat Loss

It must be your primary objective in weight loss program which is also known as lipids which produces the fat when food is retained or store in your body. Therefore, Exercise is recommended to the people for body mass loss which improves metabolism system and not let the food stored for long time and neither produces the fat.

This study shows that there are several things involved in the weight loss thing such as Water and Muscle loss, it also needs further analysis to address these issues.


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