Saturday, May 14, 2016

Healthy Nutritious Diet

Are you looking for the nutrition who tells you the sources of vitamins as well as how much quantity of vitamins you need for your body. Let’s start about discussing the nutrients needs of human body in the following.

The Significance of Vitamin D

Healthy bones is only possible through the Vitamin D and its deficiency can weaken the bones and lead to other health problems and cardiovascular is one of them. It is important to learn the sources of Vitamin D and how to fulfill the deficiency of it.

Food Sources of Calcium and Vitamin D

To make your bones stronger, Calcium and Vitamin D needs to be taking on daily basis. Everybody knows that dairy products are the good source of calcium but there are also other food products good to fulfill the calcium needs in the body such as Kale, White beans, Okra, Spanish, salmon fish and soybeans. As far as food sources of Vitamins D are concerned which includes Egg yolks, Cheese, Fatty fish and Beef liver.

Symptoms of deficiency of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 has lots of significance for the healthy body but people have no idea whether or not they have enough amount if Vitamin B12 in their body. Therefore, it needs to know how can the deficiency be treated and its causes. Body itself does not create the Vitamin B12 and therefore you have to be getting this from animal based foods. The daily basis average consumption is depended upon some factors such as age and gender. It is also important that do you have any medical history then its consumption can vary as compared to people with normal medical history. The Causes of deficiency of Vitamins B12 are such as a person is using the drugs to reduce body acid on long-term basis, engaged in frequent and heavy drinking or had a surgery for weight loss.
How Much Fiber Human Body Needs
Everybody should know how much Fiber they are getting in each day. After all, Fiber plays an important role in maintaining your good health. According to the studies, mostly Americans are not taking the due amount of fiber in their diets. These recommendations has been made by the United States’ government’s Dietary Guidelines in which all American must take its daily fiber intake from vegetables, nuts, beans and fruits. All these foods are highly enriched with the fiber and fulfill its deficiency in the body. There are also other good sources of fiber such as sweet potatoes, leafy greens, cabbage, corn, oranges, pumpkins, bananas, mangoes and carrots. The need of human body for the fiber differentiates on gender basis. Men needs on average 38 grams fiber per day and women needs 25 grams per day.

Significance of Protein in Human Body

There is extreme significance of protein in the human body. The good amount of protein intake prevents the muscle loss and even you will recover rapidly from the physical injuries. Moreover, protein intake helps you maintaining the normal body weight and it also curbs your hunger.   


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