Monday, May 30, 2016

Myths about the Diabetes Diet

Diabetes Myth

You must be fully educated and informed about the diabetes diet to prevent to control it in your body. Sometimes, its myths can stop you eating what is not bad for the diabetic but it happens when we stop taking the research on diabetes diet. Moreover, there is also possibility you are not eating what you like most because you have heard the myth that it is not good for diabetes. I am sharing few diabetes diet myths with you in the following.
Take the large quantity of Sugar causes Diabetes
This is a myth that eating too much sugar causes the diabetes in human body. The truth is that thing cause diabetes which prevents the food converting it into energy.
Follow too many rules being a diabetic
It is a common saying that diabetes have to keep themselves prevented from number of kind of meals and food. In the reality, diabetic have to keep the diet plan which matches with its lifestyle, physical activity and medications.
Avoid the Carbohydrates
All Carbohydrates enriched or less enriched meals are not bad for the diabetes but some also offers vitamins, minerals and fiber in to it. For Instance, it is better eating the whole grains and vegetables which have carbohydrates but also having other essential nutrition.
You can eat whatever you want if you can adjust sugar level with Insulin or Drugs
This is another myth where people start eating anti-diabetic food in large quantity and on regular basis in the hope that they can adjust the sugar level taking the insulin or medication. These medications work best when you are also controlling your diet.
Protein as a Substitute to the Carbohydrates
It is another myth which leads the people eating protein blindly without considering the fact that there are some protein food which also includes high fat which are not good for sugar level. Therefore, you should keep an eye on level of fat in that specific protein meal you have.
Stop eating your favorite foods
This is not complete true which also makes it a myth. You do not need to quit favorite food but rather change the ways to eat it. For Instance, you can bake it rather deep fry. You can change the eating styles such as prefer the sweet potatoes instead of having the mashed potatoes. Third ways is take the small amount of favorite food and avoid keep eating till full stomach. Furthermore, a diabetic person can also strictly follow the healthy food routine and in the weekend, may eat the even high sugar favorite meal as a reward.
No more desserts
There are several ways to deal with the dessert situation.
·         You do not have to eat the whole dessert plane and instead you can share with the friends.
·         Do not keep yourself limited to the cake, pie or ice-cream, expand the horizon and try fruits and yogurt as a dessert to fulfill the sweetness craving.
·         You can consider only having those desserts after dinner or lunch, which have low amount of calories.


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