Saturday, May 14, 2016

Diabetes Friendly and Healthy Foods


Diabetic patients are more obsessed about what they cannot have comparatively what food they must be eating to control the blood sugar level. Here, we will be mentioning the food good for diabetes which helps in controlling sugar level and improves the overall health. These food are suggested by the diabetic experts because these are enriched with omega 3s, fiber, vitamin D and calcium.
Beans are the great source of keep the sugar level steady and it also reduces the cholesterol level. It is a moderate source of calcium as ½ cup of white beans will be having around 100 mg calcium, which makes your 10% of daily intake. Another interesting thing is Beans are the source of kind of protein which do not includes saturated fat because it leads to the heart diseases.
Dairy products are the great source of Calcium and Vitamin D which fights with the diabetes and prevents it to be happening to someone. Some highly enriched dairy products with Calcium and Vitamin D are milk, yogurt and cheese. According to the studies, a women who consumes more than 1200 mg amount of calcium in a single day is 33% less likely to get the diabetes as compared to the women who has lesser intake of calcium from 1200 mg. There are also other foods available with enriched amount of Calcium and Vitamins, but Diary products provides the combination of both.
Salmon fish is good for having omega-3 in your body. The 3 ounce fish is having the 1800 mg amount of omega-3 which is good enough. It has healthy fats which is good for heart patients and prevents the heart stocks. People can find great amount of Vitamin D in the Salmon fish. It is recommended to the diabetic patients that, they should be eating the Salmon fish instead of chicken or meat.
Mostly people do not consume the barley in their normal lives without knowing the fact that it is one of the food enriched with fiber also called beta-glucan. According to the medical scientific research, it has significant contribution into lowering the cholesterol level because it prevents your body absorbing it. It has abundant amount of fiber which also keep the sugar level steady into your body.
Dates are known as the Arab fruit and it is also the Muslims food having religious importance. It is a tasteful and sweet fruit which increases the pleasure to eat it more. It is a generous supply source of fiber as we can estimated the amount of fiber in it as 7 dates includes 4 gram of fiber. Dates are the diabetes friendly fruit and diabetic patient can have it without any worries.
There are studies conducted on the number of people and its findings are recommending the Apples as a favorable food for the diabetes. According to the findings, there are majority of people who used to be eating five or six apples in a week are 34% Percentage are less likely to have the type 2 diabetes in their life, as compared to people who do not eat the apples this much or not even single apple in week. 


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