Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Health Benefits of Walnuts

Benefits of Walnuts
Walnuts is a winter fruit which has round shape and hard to break like stone. It is a fruit which grows from walnut tree. Mostly of its trees are planted in the China, America, North American countries and Iran. There are several studies conducted on it to determine how to incorporate this fruit in your diet and then what health benefits a human body can gain from it. Walnuts are the good source of protein and it has heart friendly fats which commonly nuts are not known for. It is also considered as a great snack because once you eat walnuts, makes you feel fuller and you do not eat too much in a day.
Health Benefits of Walnuts
There has been studies conducted which shows that plant-based fruits are good to prevent the diabetes and it also reduces the risk of heart diseases. Furthermore, such fruits and foods increases the body energy and overall wellbeing.
Heart Health
Polyunsaturated is a fatty acid which is good for reducing the cholesterol level which ultimately causes the no risk of heart attack. According to the studies conducted by “British Journal of Nutrition”, people are 37% less likely to have cancer who eats the walnuts three times in a week as compared to the group of people who rarely eats the walnut in their lives. Walnuts intake reduces the bad cholesterol from the body and keeps you healthy.
Bone Health
Walnuts are enriched with the mineral copper and otherwise its deficiency causes the osteoporosis. It is a situation when bones becomes too much weak, that it can be fractured easily. It is also containing sufficient amount of manganese which is also effective to prevent the osteoporosis. The combination of mineral copper and manganese can lead to stronger bones.
Health Benefits for Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes is associated with the blood sugar and insulin level in the body and such diabetic are at the risk of cardiovascular problem. In the regard, the consumption of walnuts has great health benefit as it effectively deals with the cardiovascular problem and bring the overall improvement. A patient of type 2 diabetes eats the walnuts has better composition of the blood fat. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that its patients can maintain the sugar level eating one or two ounce of walnuts daily in their lives.   
Ways of Incorporating Walnuts into Your Diet   
Since, Walnuts are the winter fruit and you need to keep it store in the required temperature to increase its life. So that, you can incorporate it in your daily lives summer, winder, autumn and spring all four season. These are ways including it into your diet, discussed in the following.
·         Use the chopped walnuts in the Salad.
·         Use the Walnuts in the homemade granola.
·         Pasta sauce made of different ingredients and also using walnuts.

      One thing to remember that Walnut is a warm fruit inside and its moderate consumption must be ensured, otherwise eating too much walnuts can cause start blooding out of your nose, it’s a winter fruit. 


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