Health is Wealth

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, Healthy Nutrition Has a Positive Role in Human's Life.

Health is Wealth.

A Physical Exercise Is a Good Way of Keeping Your Body Healthy and Active.

Health is Wealth.

You need to maintain a normal body weight to avoid the health problems, over-weight causes several diseases.

Health is Wealth.

Vegetables are the enriched source of essential vitamins to lead the healthy life.

Health is Wealth.

Everybody wants healthy family but not everybody takes the careful measures.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Which is More Effective for Weight Loss, Exercise or Diet?

Diet or Exercise

Theoretically speak about how to lose the weight, there are two important things controlled diet and physical exercise. It is better you eat less food and move more throughout the day. Practically speaking, this is the most difficult thing to be applied in the life. Every person has limited resources such as will power, time and money. They need to take the each option to stay committed with to lose the weight. There are number of things which can be adopted to lose the body mass on the permanent basis such as sit less, do not eat processed food, do not drink alcohol and eat the healthy food such as vegetables. Everybody will consider the amount of resources they have to choose the best option either exercise or diet to weight loss.

Here, I will again put the emphasis on practically means which way is better to lose the weight and answer should be which is more practical for one. Let me share a meta-study with you and it is published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in which they took certain number of people with bulk body size and divide them into groups with different controlled diet plans. There was no significant difference in the number of pounds they lost on average when comparing with other groups, they key factor was how stick or committed they remained with the diet. People often ask the questions to the health experts and nutrition’s that which is more important diet or exercise, the answer is what you can do with full commitment. An exercise will be a better option for the group of people, who do not stop themselves eating too much and fat food, on the other hand diet is an only solution for the kind of people who do not find time for the exercise or not comfortable with it.

In order to understand about the weight loss, we need to burn more calories than we actually consume. We gain body mass when we are consuming more calories and burring less. According to the health medical studies, to lose one pound a person have to have the deficit of 3500 calories, either through exercise or diet. Let’s put an example here, a man with weight of 200 pound wants to lose one pound in a week. He can achieve the goal through 3.5 miles running in single day which makes 24.5 miles in a week. He can achieve the same goal through dieting to reduce 500 to consume 500 less calories each day (two Starbucks Frappuccinos) makes the total of five hundred calories. Theoretically speaking, both are achieving the same results but for one person 3.5 miles exercise is a tough job and another person may not resist to food and eat 500 calories less than its normal routine.    
This study also shows that consistency is a key to success and consistency is only possible with the option you are most comfortable with, otherwise inconsistency do not offer the weight loss results on long-term basis.    

Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to Boost Up the Metabolism System

Metabolism is a system which converts your food into the energy required by human body to perform the functions. A human body always need an energy even while sleeping for taking a breath. We need certain number of calories which is depended upon our age, gender and body weight. You can increase your metabolism system through strengthen your muscles exercise and training. According to the scientific studies, muscles tissues burns more calories than fat tissues in the body. Therefore, you need muscle strengthening to convert the fat into muscles and this way your metabolism system will be working in a way to burn more calories.

There are not known dietary ways of boosting the metabolism system but there are some foods which can improve your metabolism system on temporary basis during which calories burning rate will be higher.

Green Tea: It is the best scientifically known drink which actually improves your metabolism system. Studies evidence shows that drinking two or three cup of Green Tea will give more energy from your food and burn your calories. Green Tea is better than Black Tea in terms of its health benefits.

Water: Drinking water is good for the metabolism system because it converts your calories into making your body performing energetically. You know that water deficiency can make your body going through the dehydration and this slow down your overall body process. We should start our day by drinking the glass of water to improve the metabolism system.

Lean Protein: Take the lean protein in the diet makes you feel fuller and not feeling hungry for long hours. Chicken and eggs are the source of lean protein which do not increases your metabolism system but make you eat less throughout the day.

Whole grains: Barley and oats are the known whole grains with full of fiber and it takes long time in digesting. It means metabolism system will be working longer converting whole grains into usable energy. Whole grains are good making your body functional actively for even longer hours.
You should not intentionally or unintentionally take the cash diets or food with low calories. It is necessary for the men having at least 1800 calories and 1200 calories for women, consuming less than this amount of calories will enter your body into starvation mode. In this situation, you will be starting losing your muscles and will not be able losing the weight. 

In the above, all dietary and foods are discussed which improves the metabolism rate. Besides food, Weight lifting is also good in order to achieve the same purpose. You will have good metabolism rate when you have good mass muscles. In the age after thirty five, you will start losing your muscles at the rate of .5% annually and after sixty this situation is worse. Therefore, it is better for you to start the weight lifting as early age as possible. Sooner, the muscle lose starts in your body, it will also affect your metabolism rate as well which is not healthy.  

Friday, May 20, 2016

Lemon Tea and Its Medical Benefits

Lemon Tea

Tea is a good alternative of other sugary beverages as it contains no sugar at all except when you add the milk into it. Anyways, squeezing the lemon into the tea can make it tastier and lemon tea has several health benefits as well. For Instance, you are suffering from nasal congestion, the best solution is drinking your lemon tea as it will decongest your nose and you will feel the relief. Its benefits are discussed with the details in the following.
Enriched With Vitamin C
There is 12 milligrams of Vitamin C contained in the 1 ounce of lemon juice. It fights against free radicals in the body which eventually damages the DNA. The continuous development of the free radicals may lead to the cancer in the human body. Vitamin C is working as a counter against development of free radicals and slow down its creation process as well. Furthermore, if you want to keep repairing your teeth and bones, make sure you have appropriate amount of Vitamin C intake. In the age above forty, everybody should take the vitamins on daily basis because body lost the ability of retaining the vitamins. In the twenties and thirties, body can store the surplus vitamins in body and retain it as long as ends. Therefore, daily vitamin intake is more important in the age of forty or later as compared to younger age.  
Controls the Blood Sugar Level
When your body is not able to produces the insulin in appropriate amount or unable to utilize the insulin as much as it should be, this results in increasing the blood sugar level. Therefore, lemons are good in repairing your enzymes system which controls the blood sugar level and maintain it up to the normal point. People are highly recommended to have the lemon to prevent the diabetes, even people with diabetes already can have the lemon to keep it under control.
Powerful Limonoids   
 There was a study published by “Journal of Nutrition” in which they concluded that the compound of the lemons is known as the “limonoids” and it is highly effective to kill the all cells produced inside the body causes the cancer. A person drinks the lemon tea or consumes the lemon in any form is less likely to have the cancer as compared to the person who do not consume the lemon in any form. This shows Lemon Tea is a good source of nutrition for cancer patients and one who wants to prevent the cancer in their body.
Immune Builder
Lemon Tea is the great source of immune builder due to its enrichment of antioxidants and vitamin c. You should have the great tea regularly in routine helps you fighting against the illness. It also contains good volume of potassium which improves the blood circulation in brain and control the blood pressure as well. People who are drinking the lemon tea for long time, are enjoying better health history and less likely to be catch the seasonal virus or fever in the life. 

Bad Eating Habits for Weight Loss

Eating habits plays a crucial role in your weight loss program and a careless or impulse eating can take you long back at a position may be where you started to control the diet. It is easy to gain the calories but quite difficult to burn it and reduce the fat from the body. It does not only waste your time but also shows your lack of commitment. Consider these four habits which must be quit during the dieting and you will be on the right track to weight loss.
Lack of Planning for Meals   

You always take the unhealthy and high calories meal when you have to make a unplanned visit anywhere. For Instance, you have to make an official travelling outside the city and boss told you about it in the emergency. You may not be able to bring your diet food with yourself and will definitely eat whatever will be available there. This is called unplanned meals which does not let you reduce the body fat effectively.
Take a Free Day as a Reward

Though, nutrition’s or dietitians allows its clients to have a free day after weeks of dieting and selective meals. People always make a misuse of it and eat the unhealthy and high calories food in large quantity which disturbs its metabolism system to reduce weight and overall its efficiency. Therefore, it is recommended that you should reward yourself with non-food items such as cloths, electronics, decoration or something else. It can also increase your motivation as well as your diet plan will not be disturbed either.

It is observed that people often let them starve in the busiest days or in a situation when they do not have access to food. It is advised to the people on diet, they must bring the diet food with them because long hours starving often make the people eating too much unhealthy food which disrupts the whole weight loss program. Its natural people would not be able controlling their temptation to food after long starving. Secondly, when you do not eat the food in long hours, it disturbs your blood sugar level and it is unhealthy due to other reasons as well.
Not Including the Protein in Breakfast

Every person who wants to lose the weight must be knowing that having break is too important for weight loss and skipping breakfast will never let the person achieve weight loss goals. It is also essential having protein enriched breakfast because a study conducted by the “Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, people who takes the protein enriched breakfast as compared to the people who has highly carbohydrate breakfast releases the less amount of ghrelin in the morning. It helps them feeling fuller for the long time period which makes them eating less and gaining less calories. Moreover, all needs to take high protein in diet and studies support that high protein breakfast prevents the type 2 diabetes. Therefore, a breakfast must be healthy to living a healthy life.