Health is Wealth

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, Healthy Nutrition Has a Positive Role in Human's Life.

Health is Wealth.

A Physical Exercise Is a Good Way of Keeping Your Body Healthy and Active.

Health is Wealth.

You need to maintain a normal body weight to avoid the health problems, over-weight causes several diseases.

Health is Wealth.

Vegetables are the enriched source of essential vitamins to lead the healthy life.

Health is Wealth.

Everybody wants healthy family but not everybody takes the careful measures.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Weight Loss is not always Fat Loss

Weight and Fat Loss

Weight loss is not always good thing and it includes some technical aspects which eventually helps you determining whether your efforts were fruitful or not in the gym or kitchen.

Have the six packs while clearing the fat area means you have successfully burnt the fat. But, it does not mean you lost few pounds in a week and this is all for effective weight loss. Because, losing weight does not always mean you are losing the fat of the body. There are different things which are associated with the weight loss which also involves serious health concerns.

Muscle Loss

When you are more working on your controlled diet as compared to the work out at the gym, you may lose the muscle tissue weight because your diet control is also limiting the amount of protein and other essential nutrition intake, muscle will not be rebuild with controlled diet or limited protein will cause muscle loss and not the fat loss. A muscle loss means a person will be able to work for less working hours. A person with losing muscle also loses the stamina and potential for work hard, its continuity can further lead to the serious health issues which are not easily irreversible.

Muscle has significant impact over basal metabolic rate which means the rate at which your body mass is burnt all the time. When your muscles are not rebuild and they are less, it will lead to low Basal metabolic rate and your ability of burning down the calories will also be less.
Muscle tissue also has a role of regulating the insulin which means regulating the ability of body to absorb the nutrients. If poor diet causes the muscle lose, the nutrition you will have are more likely to producing the fat cells and low amount of muscle cells will be built.

Water Loss

It is one of the quickest way of losing the weight through cutting down the carb in the diet. Carbohydrates contains the three times more water of other nutritious in the body. When reduce the intake of carbs, body does not retain the water and loses the body weight. This is good for only temporary purposes, you cannot consider as an achievement in weight loss process. Even, it is neither good for the health point of view, where you can have frequent complains of dehydration. It is essential a certain volume of water retained in the body and carbohydrates food perform the same function.

Fat Loss

It must be your primary objective in weight loss program which is also known as lipids which produces the fat when food is retained or store in your body. Therefore, Exercise is recommended to the people for body mass loss which improves metabolism system and not let the food stored for long time and neither produces the fat.

This study shows that there are several things involved in the weight loss thing such as Water and Muscle loss, it also needs further analysis to address these issues.

How to Keep Your Skin Healthier

Healthy Skin

Our skin is the most important part of our body which protects us from the germs and converts the sunlight into vitamin D good for us. It is working as our defense and ensures that important fluids always remain inside our bodies essential for human body. We change our skin priorities in the different age scale, we want having tan skin in the young age and wrinkle free skin in the late age. You have to take the careful measures in the young age to keep your skin healthier on the long-term basis even when you are old. There are different opinions on how to do this and a common perception that prevent the smoking will definitely pay you off in the form of good skin in long run, which is not a fact believed by Mark G. Rubin, a senior professor who spent several years in the field of dermatology.
It is always better to take very good care of your skin because the later you start, the more difficult it will be achieve the better results, as damages had already been done. No person can prevent the skin aging forever but can delay it. There is a consensus on that healthy diet will definitely contribute into healthier skin as well human body must always be hydrated. It is related to drinking the eight to twelve glass of water on daily basis. Your skin reflects your overall health means which affects your health will also affect your skin. This way bad nutrition, stress, long time dehydration and not having enough sleep will affect your skin as well.
Here, we are sharing some food sources and nutrition which are skin friendly and increases the chances of healthier skin.
According to the majority of dermatologists, they believe the regular intake of Vitamin A, C and E can reduce the ability of sunlight damaging the human skin and cause the wrinkles. One who wants his / her skin stay glowing and wrinkle-free for long-term, must eat the food enriched with Vitamin A, C and E.
Food Sources of Vitamin A
Sharing the enriched food sources of Vitamin A to increase your focus on taking care of wrinkle-free skin in a better way. Carrots, green kale, mangoes, sweet potatoes, tomato-vegetable juices and pumpkin are those foods.
Food Sources of Vitamin C
A body needs vitamin c in the active form and it is obtained from Vitamin C enriched fruits and vegetables. Oranges, kiwis, mangoes, kale and grapefruit are enriched with the same.
Food Sources of Vitamin E
Vitamin E enriched food sources are olives, seeds and spinach. Mostly people are depended upon the supplements for the its intake as food sources are limited.
Whole Foods
There are several benefits of whole foods as it is always recommended to the diabetic, heart and cancer patients. It is considered as one of the healthiest food in the world. Its benefits are not limited to the chronic diseases but beneficial for skin. There was a study conducted on the 450 people who were 70 years old, they found out the diet history of all of them and concluded the findings that people were taking a diet of whole foods, eggs, fruits, and nuts were having less wrinkles on the skin and no one was with the premature skin aging as compared to the group of people had diet history of potatoes, red meat and sugar. This finding shows that there is definitely a significant contribution of whole foods as well.

Myths about the Diabetes Diet

Diabetes Myth

You must be fully educated and informed about the diabetes diet to prevent to control it in your body. Sometimes, its myths can stop you eating what is not bad for the diabetic but it happens when we stop taking the research on diabetes diet. Moreover, there is also possibility you are not eating what you like most because you have heard the myth that it is not good for diabetes. I am sharing few diabetes diet myths with you in the following.
Take the large quantity of Sugar causes Diabetes
This is a myth that eating too much sugar causes the diabetes in human body. The truth is that thing cause diabetes which prevents the food converting it into energy.
Follow too many rules being a diabetic
It is a common saying that diabetes have to keep themselves prevented from number of kind of meals and food. In the reality, diabetic have to keep the diet plan which matches with its lifestyle, physical activity and medications.
Avoid the Carbohydrates
All Carbohydrates enriched or less enriched meals are not bad for the diabetes but some also offers vitamins, minerals and fiber in to it. For Instance, it is better eating the whole grains and vegetables which have carbohydrates but also having other essential nutrition.
You can eat whatever you want if you can adjust sugar level with Insulin or Drugs
This is another myth where people start eating anti-diabetic food in large quantity and on regular basis in the hope that they can adjust the sugar level taking the insulin or medication. These medications work best when you are also controlling your diet.
Protein as a Substitute to the Carbohydrates
It is another myth which leads the people eating protein blindly without considering the fact that there are some protein food which also includes high fat which are not good for sugar level. Therefore, you should keep an eye on level of fat in that specific protein meal you have.
Stop eating your favorite foods
This is not complete true which also makes it a myth. You do not need to quit favorite food but rather change the ways to eat it. For Instance, you can bake it rather deep fry. You can change the eating styles such as prefer the sweet potatoes instead of having the mashed potatoes. Third ways is take the small amount of favorite food and avoid keep eating till full stomach. Furthermore, a diabetic person can also strictly follow the healthy food routine and in the weekend, may eat the even high sugar favorite meal as a reward.
No more desserts
There are several ways to deal with the dessert situation.
·         You do not have to eat the whole dessert plane and instead you can share with the friends.
·         Do not keep yourself limited to the cake, pie or ice-cream, expand the horizon and try fruits and yogurt as a dessert to fulfill the sweetness craving.
·         You can consider only having those desserts after dinner or lunch, which have low amount of calories.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Develop the Habit of Eating Fruits

Fruits are healthy

Fruits are highly recognized as a good source of vitamins and people with its deficiency, must eat the fruit on daily basis to fulfill it. People are less likely to have chronic diseases in their lives who eat the all seasonal fruits. It is not limited to the vitamins but also enriched with potassium, minerals, fiber and calcium. Daily food meals and dairy products cannot become the alternative of the fruits as it has its own importance.

Health Benefits of Eating Fruits
It is essential for living healthy life such as potassium nutrition prevents the heart attack diseases and stroke. Secondly, potassium also do not let produce the stones in the stomach as well as prevent the bone loss. It is
also enriched with Folate which maintains the red blood cells in the body. Young women with pregnancy do not have adequate Folate level and you have to produce it naturally to avoid the birth defects, therefore its consumption will be critical for young pregnant women.

·         Eating fruits enriched with vitamins can prevent you from the type 2 diabetes. This is rapidly spreading disease and one of the reason is not taking healthy diet especially have them  in the routine. Doctors are highly recommending to eat the seasonal fruits which not only prevents the diabetes but keep you healthy.

Eating fruit is containing the nutrition’s essential for preventing the different types of cancers.
·     Fruit can ensure the human health at the maximum or optimum level because it promotes the phytochemicals. It is interesting to find out a human body is a complex system to understand in which hundreds of reactions takes place all the time. Therefore, it needs sufficient amount of nutrition to perform the body and its consumption supplies that nutrition in the more natural way. When a human body have the health disorder, the disease can be cured with the high vitamins intake on daily basis. Fruits are the enriched sources of all types of vitamins especially, its deficiency is leading to hair loss, vision loss, skin wrinkles and overall other health related problems. If you are concerned about your skin aging and want to look younger than you are and having healthy skin, fruits are the basic and essential solution to all these problems.

      This is a reason patients are recommended by the doctors to eat the fruits. These are good for improving the immune system and regain the body fitness in natural way. Immune system helps you recovering the health issues and diseases, even it keeps you safe even germs are around you in the air or any kind of virus, because you have stronger immune system to fight against those disease catching germs in the air. There is a commonly saying idiom “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, this idiom is enough to understand a health power of fruit to keep your body stronger inside and protected from outside.  Other foods such as vegetables takes time in nourishing the human body, the fruits gives its benefits instantly.